Steve Reich-Some of minimalist composer´s finest works


Their foremost album is  ”Music for 18 musician” ,played with all these instruments:Violin,cello,2 clarinets,4 women´s voice,
4 pianos,3 marim
bas,2 xylophone and metallphone.
There is a regula
r rhythmic pulse on the pianos that continues throught the piece.
The structucture
 of “Music for 18 musicians”,is based on a cycle of eleven chords played at the beginning of the piece,and repeated at the end.
One of the basic techniques of this piece is to changing harmonic rhythm,but is a minimum variation,in the melody than will be hear.










Steve Reich-“Music for 18 musician”(78)US.Orig. ECM

Digital vinyl transfer in WAV 16 bits

Minimalist American composer,was inspired in Oriental and African music.
Reich studied percussion based in classical school,learn tambor in Ghana University,and music of Bali,too.

Talking about the experience of recording one of earlies works,Piano Phase”(1967)
“The process is playing the same piece on two pianos,but one with slight delay in relation to the other”.

About,”New York Counterpoint” piece of this live concert,is a 1985 minimalist composition and intented to capture the throbbing vibrancy of Manhattan,mixed electronic sounds with acoustic instrumentation.









Steve Reich – Drumming /Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ/Six Pianos (74)GER.Orig. Deutsche Grammophon 3LP


A Part I

B Part II

C Part III

D Part IV

Six Pianos
E Six Pianos

Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ
F Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ

Recorded in Hamburg (Rahlstedt), Musikstudio 1, January 1974.

Steve Reich – Drumming /Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ/Six Pianos (74)3LPS,16-44 WAV,16 bits



Steve Reich – Kronos Quartet / Pat Metheny – Different Trains / Electric Counterpoint(89)CAN.Orig. Elektra Nonesuch LP


Different Trains
A1 Kronos Quartet- America – Before The War 
A2 Kronos Quartet- Europe – During The War 
A3 Kronos Quartet- After The War 

Electric Counterpoint
B1 Pat Metheny- Fast 
B2 Pat Metheny- Slow 
B3 Pat Metheny- Fast 

“Different Trains” composed 1988, recorded digitally August 31 – September 9, 1988 at Russian Hill Recording, San Francisco.
“Electric Counterpoint” composed 1987, recorded digitally September 26 – October 1, 1987 at Power Station, New York City.

Steve Reich – Kronos Quartet / Pat Metheny –  Different Trains / Electric Counterpoint(89)LP, Wav 16-44


Steve Reich- IV Festival de Otoño,Casa Cultura Majadahonda (1987)

Concert en directe de Steve Reich,(pianista i percussionista) representant de la música minimalista,a la Sala Olimpia de Madrid,dins del IV Festival de Tardor de la comunitat.
Reich,diu que la seva obra cerca la música oriental i l’africana.
Una de les peces es “Clapping music”,inspirada en “una nit de gresca andalusa a Bélgica”.”El palmeig del flamenc em va deixar tan sorprés que,malgrat haver begut força,va ser la idea per fer aquesta obra”.

El músic,comença estudian primé els clássics i després composició i percussió a New York,després va estudiar tambor a la universitat de Ghana,i també es va interessar per la música de Bali.

El ”procés de desfasament gradual”,no és res més que tocar amb dos pianos la mateixa peça,pro un amb un lleuger retard en relació amb l’altre”.

En les seves obres,col-loca la percussió al centre,ja que marca el tempo,i la corda als costats.


Steve Reich- IV festival de tardor 1987 TV-Video

Steve Reich-Live at Teatre L´Aliança,18-11-89

Live concert,cassette recorded “On air” in WAV 16 bits

01.“Drumming(Part One)”
02.“Electric counterpoint”(David Tanenbaum)
04.“Different trains”









Pete Shelley – XL1,a synth-pop,lp

Buzzcocks were one of most influential bands to emerge in the initial wave of punk rock.
Start band member´s,
Pete Shelley – guitar, vocals,Steve Diggle – guitar,
John Maher – drums,Howard Devoto-singer

Buzzcocks -Electric Circus & OGWT
(SOURCED from VHS video tape)
Electric Circus 2-11-77- “What do I get?”
OGWT 1978- “Sixteen again”,”Nothing left”


Pete Shelley -“Telephone Operator”
(SOURCED from VHS video tape)
“Telephone Operator”,from Pete Shelley solo album ”XL1”.
Barry Adamson,mades synths effects playing bass on this track.

Pete Shelley-“XL.1”,not as good than their first solo album,“Homosapiens”,but still fun.
More dance pop than rock,with Martin Rushent’s (Human League,mega star of synth-pop producer),

Highlight tracks,than still have punk actitude,as “Telephone operator”,”If You Ask Me (I Won’t Say No)”,and “No one like you”.


Here,it´s “XL1” LP transfer to digital archive,in WAV 16 bits.

A1 Telephone Operator
A2 If You Ask Me (I Won’t Say No)
A3 What Was Heaven?
A4 You Know Better Than I Know
A5 Twilight

Pete Shelley – XL1 (83) UK. Genetic rec./Island rec.lp

Side A recorded in WAV 16 bits

B1 (Millions Of People) No One Like You
B2 Many A Time
B3 I Just Wanna Touch
B4 You & I
B5 XL 1
B6 ZX Spectrum Code


Track B6 is a computer program for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum which printed lyrics in time with the music and displayed graphics.

Pete Shelley – XL1 (83) UK. Genetic rec./Island rec.lp

Side B recorded in WAV 16 bits



Wim Mertens Ensemble a la Estació de Perpinyá,TVE (1987)

Wim Mertens compositor de vanguardia,barreja el Minimalisme,amb la música de camara.

Als seus inicis,forma el grup Soft Verdict,i edita ”At Home”(81),”Vergessen”(82),i “Struggle for pleasure”(83)

Quan deixa als Soft Verdict,evoluciona cap a un estil Minimalista,pro amb un tó més melodic.

Durant aquests temps, va editar

 “Close cover”(1983),”Whisper Me”(1985),”Lir”(1985),i “Educes Me”(1986).

A les seves composicions,li dona molta importancia al tractament de la veu,que interpreta amb veu de contratenor,acompanyat amb una Ensemble que toca música mediaval,amb coros clásics.Gaudeix cantant quan interpreta música.

Wim Mertens,actua amb piano i la seva veu en solitari,o amb un grup de ensemble.

Quan toca amb la Ensemble,la música es escrita en partitura,i molt dificil de interpretar per als coristas tal com ell vol.Traballa amb el Coro de la Radio i Televisió Belga,son 10 personas i canvia constantment de músics,per evolucionar cap a un estil que més l´ agrada al compositor.

Mertens,compositor de Flandes,rep una important acollida,quan actua al nostre pais.

Aquest concert en directe,va ser editat amb una cinta de video VHS,i hi há un cert desacoblament del video amb el audio.Així dons,edité també l´áudio sols,per si és millor.


Wim Mertens Ensemble Live a la estació de Perpinyá (1987)

Wim Mertens Ensemble Live a la estació de Perpinyá (1987)
in WAV 16 bits



Nick Cave,The Berlin years

On those earlies times with Boys Next Door,and Birthay Party,Nick Cave was acting on scene,like a possesed soul,it seems he mades a pacte with the devil.

While he was an heroin addict,it was a very dificult thing to substain an addiction.It just shows the desperation about been a junkie,and the issues than carries.

The post-punk music was great,played with good guitar musicians like Rowland S. Howard and Nick Harvey,and recorded memorable albums as Boys Next Door LP,and Birthay Party“Prayers on fire” and “Junk Yard”.

The Boys Next Door-Hee Haw 12″ Missing Link,Australia (1983),12” in WAV 16 bits

Living in London,he was a friend of the Fall,and The Pop Group.

When drugs just gone,asked to Nick Harvey,if they should start to made a new band,The Bad Seeds .

In those times,left London and gone to live to Berlin.

He starts to play the piano,and sing good bluesy melodies,also writes a book,”And the ass saw the angel”

Meets with the artistic society in Berlin,the nightlife scene,and mades good friends and collaborators like Christian Emmerich,of Die Haut.

Made a really special songs and recorded new records with incredible music and soul good taste.

Nick is very talented and artist genius.

During those couple of year in Berlin,releases the next albums:“The Firstborn is dead”(Mute 1985),
“Your funeral… my trail” (Mute 1986),“Kicking against the pricks” (Mute 1986),and “Tender Pray” (Mute1988).

Here it´s a documentary about the Berlin times,

Nick Cave – Stranger in a Strange land [ 1987 VPRO Documentary ]

Also,a live concert,recorded with a cassette “On air”,in Barcelona from 1988.

Playing songs like,“The Mercy seat”,“Up jumped the devil”,”Mercy”,and other tracks from the “Tender Pray”,album.

Nick Cave-Zeleste,16-10-88

Cassette recorded “On air” in WAV 16 bits

I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.





16 Horsepower,Calexico,Iron & Wine: Americana masterpieces albums


16 Horsepower- Folklore(2004)NE.Orig.Volkoren WAV 16-44
Performer – David Eugene Edwards, Jean-Yves Tola, Pascal Humbert
First pressing on vinyl, strictly limited to 300 copies.


“Folklore”,is the Five album of 16 Horsepower.
The music seems affected by old folk styles,and white gospel.
The vocals of David Eugene Edwards shows,a wonderful sense of craft.
This is a landmark of alt-country genre,with the brooding of gothic tones.
The music wears the listener,to the depresion of deepest US rural states.




A1 Hutterite Mile

A2 Outlaw Song

A3 Blessed Persistence

A4 Alone And Forsaken

A5 Single Girl



16 Horsepower- Folklore,Side A,LP in WAV 16 bits




B1 Beyond The Pale

B2 Horse Head Fiddle

B3 Sinnerman

B4 Flutter

B5 La Robe A Parasol



16 Horsepower- Folklore,Side B,LP in WAV 16 bits



Calexico | Iron & Wine- In The Reins(2005)Touch and Go 12″ WAV 16-44



This is a collaboration album between,two Indie Folk band´s.
Iron & Wine´s, Sam Beam wrote all the songs,and sings with emotional depth.
Pedal steels,vibraphone,and meandering trumpets lead the music to the wide-screen West.
I could hightly recommend Calexico´s “The black light” and “Hot rail” (2nd and third albums).
Then,Iron & Wine “The creek drank the cradle”,“Our endless numbered days”,“The Shepherd´s dog”(First three albums),are trademarks too.





A1 He Lays In The Reins

A2 Prison On Route 41

A3 History Of Lovers






Calexico | Iron & Wine,Side A,12″ in WAV 16 bits




B1 Red Dust

B2 Sixteen, Maybe Less

B3 Burn That Broken Bed

B4 Dead Man’s Will



Calexico | Iron & Wine,Side B,12” in WAV 16 bits

I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.



Julian Cope – 20 Mothers(95)UK.Orig. Echo 2lp purple WAV 16-44

Musicologist,writer,and frontman in one´s of the best post-punk group,

Teardrop Explodes.

Teardrop´s love the psychedelic-pop,Krautrock,and space rock.
Julian Cope solo albums,“Saint Julian”,“Peggy Suicide”...have commercial success overseas,and in the  UK.
Cope wrote “Krautrocksampler”,a critically acclaimed guide to German space rock,“Japrocksampler”how the post-war Japanese blew their minds on rock n´roll,“Head-On” Memories of the Liverpool punk scene,and the story of the Teardrop Explodes.

Julian Cope – “20 Mothers”(95)UK.Orig. Echo 2lp purple WAV 16-44

Cope,on his fatherhood-inspired “20 Mothers”(His wife and daughters appears on the covers photos) creates 20 songs very variety,and different to early material.
Musically has similar feeling to “Autogeddon” album,with plenty of neo-psychedelic tracks “Wheelbarrow Man”,“I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud”,”1995″,Can Krautrock style “Girl-Call”,a quirky synth-pop tracks,“Just Like Pooh Bear”,“Leli B.”,“Adam & Eve Hit The Road”,and even a electronics “When I Walk Through The Land Of Fear”.



Style: Pop Rock, Space Rock, Psychedelic Rock



Phase One,LP in WAV 16 bits

A1 Wheelbarrow Man
A2 I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud
A3 Try Try Try
A4 Stone Circles ‘N’ You
A5 Queen/Mother
A6 I’m Your Daddy


Phase Two,LP in WAV 16 bits

B7 Highway To The Sun
B8 1995
B9 By The Light Of The Silbury Moon
B10 Adam & Eve Hit The Road
B11 Just Like Pooh Bear


Phase Three,LP in WAV 16 bits

C12 Girl-Call
C13 Greedhead Detector
C14 Don’t Take Roots
C15 Senile Get
C16 The Lonely Guy


Phase Four,LP in WAV 16 bits

D17 Cryingbabiessleeplessnights
D18 Leli B.
D19 Road Of Dreams
D20 When I Walk Through The Land Of Fear



Arranged By [Horns] – Lord Terry Edwards
Arranged By [Strings], Mixed By – Thighpaulsandra
Drums, Percussion – Rooster
Guitar – Moon-Eye
Guitar, Bass, Mellotron [400] – Julian H
Photography By – Jill Furmanovsky
Producer, Directed By- Julian Cope
Recorded By- Thighpaulsandra (tracks: A1 to B5, C2 to C5, D2 to D4)
Recorded By [Most Of] –Shaun Harvey (tracks: C1, D1)
Synthesizer, Piano – Thighpaulsandra
Written-By – Julian Cope



I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.



Gábor Szabó,el gitano Hungarés

Gábor Szabó va ser un dels més originals guitarristas que van surtir als 60´s,fusionan la música gitana Húngara,al folk-rock i al Jazz.
Szabo,forma un innovatiu quintet(1967-1969),liderat per al guitarrista clásic Jimmy Stewart,Piano-Gary McFarland,Baix-Louis Kabok,Bateria-Jim Keltner,que graban els millors albums “Bacchanal” (68)Skye Records,i “Dreams” (68) Skye Records,a més,incorporan versions folk rock “Ferris Wheel”,i ”Sunshine Superman” de Donovan,per fer una música més comercial.

La meva conexió amb la música de Szabo,va ser a la botiga de Jazz a Barcelona Fresh Sound Records,quan vaig promocionar a las firas del disc de Utrech i Brussels,als 2 lps que van editar,una reedició espectacular amb gravacions procedent de masters,i una molt cuidada doble portada de vinil impresa.

Al 1974,Szabo va tocar a l’estudi de la radio amb destacats representants del Jazz Hungarés.
En aquesta gravació,els músics que l´acompanyaven eran: Pege Aladár,Kőszegi Imre,Másik János(Piano)


Gravació de 2 Singles originals USA en format digital WAV 24 bits,


-Theme of Valley of the Dolls/Sunshine Superman US.Orig. SKYE 451 Single(68)









A.”Theme of Valley of the Dolls”,Single recorded in WAV 24 bits

B.Sunshine Superman

Single recorded in WAV 24 bits










-Bacchanal/The Look of Love US.Orig.Promo SKYE 454 Single (68)


Single recorded in WAV 24 bits

B.The Look of Love

Single recorded in WAV 24 bits



The Cosmic Jokers and Ralf-Ulrich Kaiser,The Kosmische Musik label

If Ash Ra Tempel must be included on a top 10 of a Krautrock list,them add Cosmic Jokers to your favourite Krauts bands,as they are a supergroup.
Former Ash R
a Tempel leader,Manuel Göttsching,was walking and come to a record shop in Berlin,and listen an album playing.He heard a cosmic-jam session,

“What record is it?
Oh,it´s the Cosmic Jokers,lp”.

Manuel looked at his own photograph on the back sleeve,also pictures of Hurgen & Harald from Wallenstein,Dieter Dieks,and Klaus Schulze.

Them,he knows than producer and manager guru Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser,have only paid a session fee in 1973,at the studio recording,apparently the musicians were all high on drugs(Involved with Timothy Leary,on this acid rave) and didn’t even notice they were being recorded and made three lps.

The lp was fantastic,two jam side freak-outs,with a lot of wha-wha phase guitar,Mellotrons and synth effects
Rolf& Gille Lettman made this fabulous trip mixing those cosmic-jam sessions,and did those Cosmic classics albums,“Planeten Sit-In”,”Cosmic Jokers” and “Galactic Supermarket”.


The Cosmic Jokers Featuring Klaus Schulze- The Cosmic Jokers(75) FR.Re. Cosmic Music(75)Quadrophonic LP


A Galactic Joke 22:38
B Cosmic Joy 19:24



Bass, Mixed By – Dieter Dierks
Design – Peter Geitner
Drums – Harald Groflkopf
Guitar- Manuel Göttsching
Keyboards – Jurgen Dollase
Photography By – Marcel Fugëre
Producer – Gille Lettmann, Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser
Synthesizer [Featuring] – Klaus Schulze


French issue on the Cosmic Music label distributed by Barclay / CPF, released in 1975.
Original Copyright with Ohr Musik is 1974.








I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.



1. Cassette tape recorded from vinil lp source.Them,digital transfer from cassette source in WAV 16 bits.

The Cosmic Jokers Featuring Klaus Schulze LP, (Recorded with cassette tape)

2.Vinyl lp digital transfer to WAV 16 BITS.

The Cosmic Jokers Featuring Klaus Schulze,LP in WAV 16 bits



Affinity- Affinity(70) -Ger.Reissue(2014) Repertoire lp

This is one`s of the best UK progressive rock albums of all times.
Plenty of Hammond and guitar,and showing the best of Emerson,Lake &Palmer,
King Crimson,or Yes,but also with early Progressive Jazz imprint,like Soft Machine
and Kevin Ayers,Julie Driscoll,releases.
Affinity unique lp,was edited by the band in 1970,and led by frontwoman Linda Hoyle,with a voice very soulful and bluesy,too,for example on Dylan´s track “All along the watchtower”.


The original UK,first press Vertigo release has better dynamics(Vocal with more puch,and more presence in the instruments),in comparison with stock counterparts reissues,and bootlegs,than came from cd source.
But if you want to purchase later reissue lp,I could recommend this one official reissue,on Repertoire label.

Bass – Mo Foster
Design, Photography By – Keef 
Drums, Percussion – Grant Serpell
Engineer [@Island] –Frank Owen
Engineer [@Trident] – Robin Cable
Guitar –Mike Jopp
Lacquer Cut By – MILES
Organ, Piano, Electric Piano, Harpsichord, Vibraphone – Lynton Naiff
Producer – John Anthony
Typography [Type Design]- Sandy Field
Vocals – Linda Hoyle

180 Gram Gatefold sleeve,with custom replica retro finish.
Half speed mastering at Abbey Road Studios.Cut by Miles Showell.

I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.

Affinity- Affinity(70) -Ger.Reissue(2014) Repertoire lp WAV 16 bits

A vinyl rip



A1 I Am And So Are You
A2 Night Flight
A3 I Wonder If I Care As Much
A4 Mr. Joy






Side A


B1 Three Sisters
B2 Coconut Grove
B3 All Along The Watchtower





Side B



Help Yourself – Beware The Shadow(73)US.Orig.United Artist lp

Known as “The Helps“,were an English rock band from early 70´s,than does gigs
with Wales Man band,to promotion their albums.
Played “British Americana” like other British bands,as Man or Brinsley Schwarz.
Their style is close to US,Southern rock and west coast,like Grateful Dead and Quicksilver.

On their first lp,in more psychedelic style,the five-piece personnel were,
Dave Charles on drums
Reichard Treece on bass
Malcolm Morley guitar
Ernie Graham guitar,singer (ex-Eire Apparent)
Jojo Glemser guitar




On this third album,“Beware the shadow”,there is a psychedelic extended jam song,“Reaffirmation”,and Malcolm Morley,was the front-man and writer.

I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.


A vinyl rip

Help Yourself-Beware The Shadow(73)US.Orig.United Artist FLAC 24 bits

A1 Alabama Lady

A2 Reaffirmation

A3 Calapso

B1 She’s My Girl

B2 Molly Bake Bean

B3 American Mother

B4 Passing Through

Bass, Guitar, Keyboards, Alto Vocals – Malcolm Morley
Bass, Guitar, Vocals – Paul Burton
Cover – Annie
Drums, Percussion – Dave Charles
Engineer [Re-Mix Engineer] – Anton Matthews
Engineer [Recording Engineer]- Kingsley Ward, Ralph Downs
Lead Guitar – Richard Treece
Producer – Help Yourself




