Museus de la Joguina a Catalunya

Filmacions gravadas al any 2022,per diversos museus de la joguina del Pais,
-Museu Frederic Marés (BCN)
-Museu d´Automats del Tibidabo (BCN)
-Museu del Joguet de Catalunya (Figueres)
-Museu de la Joguina (Sant Feliu de Guixols)
També,entrevistas a coleccionistas de joguines i altres personatjes,
Josep Mª Joan Rosa (Director Museu del Joguet de Catalunya-Figueres),Tomas Pla (Director del Museu de la Joguina a Sant Feliu de Guixols),
Lluisa Camarero (Coleccionista de Joguinas ninas),Lluis Ribas(Técnic d´autómatats),Neil Selby(Empresari i escriptor),i Gerard Bussot (Historiador,Escriptor)
Aquesta es la versió extensa,amb totes les entrevistas inclosas en aquest documental.

Museus de la Joguina a Catalunya





1965-1975, Música Pop i Progressiva

(Video entrevista-Documental,92 minuts)

El documental comença amb la histórica actuació del Beatles al any 1965,el escenari eran dos plaças de braus(Madrid i Barcelona),sota la dictadura de la Espanya de Franco,i termina amb una curta versió acústica dels Beatles  “I should have known better”,interpretada per Jordi Batiste.

Descriu la explosió de conjunts  ye-yés durant els anys 60´s,el declive de la música Pop i sicodélica al any 1968 tras els inicis del rock Progressiu a Catalunya,i finalment,els viatjes de molts joves a la paradisiaca illa d´Eivissa, buscan novas experiencias.

El rock com a moviment social i cultural,es ple de vivencias personals,i aquesta música es la banda sonora de moltes generacions.

Gracies a, Joan Gaspart i Solves,Pere Gené,Jordi Sierra I Fabra,Xavi Castillon,Jaume Garcia,Jordi Batiste,Mercé Riba,Ramón Moreno,i Carlos Martorell…per participar en aquest documental,i a tots els conjunts que van fer posible aquesta década única.



“Music for Airports” Half Speed Mastering,edició 2 LPS

Hi han diferents versions de “Music for Airports” venudes d’aquest álbum ambient,cds remasteritçats i altres formats digitals,pro la versió master a mitja velocitat d’Abbey Road i editada en 2 lps,és la edició més autentica d’escoltar en aquest viatge ambiental d’Eno.

En el espectograma,podem observar als colors solits i estables en las imatges de estereo.

El disc sona tan obert i tan fresc,que val la pena pagar més per aquesta versió superior en vinil.

Un procés de Half speed mastering consisteix en,

– Transferencia en digital a partir de cintas maestras originals,amb un reproductor de bobinas    Ampex.
– Captura del audio en wav 24/192
– Post-producció:Reparar els clics,i aplicar de-esing amb les veus per evitar sibilances en el      posterior prensatje.
– Edició del acetato: máquina de tall Neumann Lathe Machine,amplificador Riaa i filtre.
– Velocitat de tall : Tallat a mitja velocitat de master

Al grabar el acetat a una velocitat de 45 rpm,hi há més informació que pasa per la agulla per segons que no pas a 33 rpm,de manera que las guitarras,el baix,la veu,i la bateria…. tot sona molt més net.

La mitja velocitat del proces mastering,és amb diferencia,la manera més precisa per produir un acetato.

A continuació editar un vinil doble a 45 rpm, es el millor que pots aconseguir en els registres.

El problema de un presupost tan elevat,es que encareix aquestas edicions de luxe,i llavors a las discograficas independents no li surten als números per editar discos de alta qualitat.
També,no hi han ingeniers de audio per produir vinils a half mastering,perque als més valorats,traballen per estudis de gravació i grans multinacionals discograficas.

Ambient 1,Music for Airports-Brian Eno 2LPS (Half Speed Mastering),WAV 24 DR12

I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.




Early 70´s English folk psych

John Ferdinando-English Folk rock,multi-instrumentalist

These are a very rare gem Psychedelic folk lps,and I recommend to anyone who enjoys,early 70´s acoustic Floyd,Giles and Fripp,and those than never heard this stuff.

Mushroom -Early One Morning(73) Ger.Reissue LP,Little Wing Of Refugees(92),wav 16-44


A1 Early One Morning
A2 Liothdün
A3 Crying
A4 Unborn Child
A5 Johnny The Jumper
B1 Potters Wheel
B2 Standing Alone
B3 Devil Among The Tailore
B4 Tenpenny Piece
B5 Drowsey Maggie
B6 King Of Alba

Bass, Twelve-String Guitar, Vocals -Alan Brown
Guitar, Recorder, Tin Whistle, Vocals – Aonghus McAnally
Organ, Harpsichord, Synthesizer [Moog], Vocals – Michael Power
Percussion, Bodhr·n, Wind Chimes, Chimes [Wood], Vocals- Colm Lynch
Violin, Mandolin [Electric], Vocals – Pat Collins


Mushroom -Early One Morning,16-44 WAV,16 bits

Mellow Candle – Swaddling Songs(72) Tapestry Records,Unnoficial,later reissue LP,Wav 16-44
Notes:A great hight quality heavy duty paste print,on gatefold cover.

A1 Heaven Heath
A2 Sheep Season
A3 Silversong
A4 The Poet And The Witch
A5 Messenger Birds
A6 Dan The Wing
B1 Reverend Sisters
B2 Break Your Token
B3 Buy Or Beware
B4 Vile Excesses
B5 Lonely Man
B6 Boulders On My GraveCredits


Bass, Vocals – Frank Boylan
Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Vocals – David Williams
Illustration – David Anstey
Percussion – William A. Murray
Vocals – Alison Williams
Vocals, Piano – Clodagh Simonds


Mellow Candle – Swaddling Songs,16-44 WAV,16 bits


Peter Howell & John Ferdinando – Alice Through The Looking Glass(69)UK.Re.Tenth Planet(97) Wav 16-44

A1 Alice Theme
A2 March Of The Chessmen
A3 Jabberwocky
A4 Dance Of The Talking Flowers
A5 Alice’s Train Journey
A6 Through The Looking Glass Wood
B1 Dum And Dee
B2 The Walrus And The Carpenter
B3 Alice Meets The Night
B4 A-Sitting On The Gate
B5 Her Majesty Queen Alice
B6 Whose Dream?

Composed By – Peter Howell
Performer,recorded By – John Ferdinando, Peter Howell


Peter Howell & John Ferdinando-Alice Through The Looking Glass,16-44 WAV,16 bits



Ithaca -A Game For All Who Know UK.Re.(73)Background(92) Wav 16-44

A1 Journey (Destruction – Rebirth – Patterns Of Life)
A2 Questions (Did You Know – Will We Be Alive)
A3 Times (Seven Seasons – The Path – Given Time)
B1 Feelings (Look Around – I Want To Feel You)
B2 Dreams (Story Of Our Time – Beneath This Sky)
B3 Journey II (A Game For All Who Know)

Drums – Brian Hussey (tracks: A1, A3, B2, B3)
Guitar [12-string Guitar] – Martin Garrett
Guitar [Classical Guitar] – Robert Ferdinando (tracks: A1)
Guitar, Piano, Organ, Mandolin, Percussion, Recorder, Effects [Tape Effects]- Peter Howell
Timpani – Andrew Lowcock
Voice [The Female Voice] – Lee Menelaus
Written-by,Guitar,Vocals,Bass,Organ,Harp- John Ferdinando


Ithaca -A Game For All Who Know,16-44 WAV,16 bits


Shuttah- The Image Maker Vol.1 & 2 (71) Ger.Re. Shadoks Music(2002) 2 LPs,Wav 16-44


Image Maker
Bull Run
Cry My Little Darling
Lady Smith
Village Green
The Crimp
Christmas 1914
The Fens
World War II
She’s A Bad Girl
The Wizard
Tell Me Why


Shuttah- The Image Maker Vol.1 & 2,16-44 WAV,16 bits


I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.




Camel,legenda del rock Sinfonic

El rock sinfònic,va ser un gènere musical de principis dels 70´s,que injustament no va suportar bé el pas del temps.
Un exemple de aquest estil són els Camel,un grup amb complexos ritmes i música experimental.
Formats el any 1972 a Surrey,la formació original era Andy Latimer(guitar,flute,vocals),Andy Ward(drums),Doug Ferguson(bass),i Peter Bardens(Keyuboards),anteriorment al grup Them.

El segon album,“Mirage”(1974),conté meravellosos sols instrumentals.
Es un disc amb un so caracteristic,on destaquen el teclista Pete Bardens,i el guitarra Andy Latimer.
Cal esmentar la suite “Lady Fantasy”,amb un llarg sol de guitarra que es un clàssic dins al rock progressiu.

El tercer àlbum,es al millor exemple de rock progressiu “The Snow Goose” (1975),un album conceptual i instrumental on es narra una història d’ amor,entre un cavaller que desapareix durant una guerra,i la seva princesa que es troba amb una oca blanca després de la batalla.
Aquesta fabula representa l’esperança de l’amor,davant de la guerra.








Camel- Camel(1976) Spain Reissue Decca,Recopilatorio,2LPS,Wav 16-44

Mirage [LP 1]

A1    Freefall 5:50
A2    Supertwister 3:20
         Nimrodel 9:18
A3.1 The Procession 
A3.2 The White Rider 

B1 Earthrise 6:39
      Lady Fantasy 12:44
B2.1 Encounter 
B2.2 Smiles For You 
B2.3 Lady Fantasy 


Camel- Camel(1976)Mirage LP 1,16-44 WAV,16 bits

The Snow Goose [LP 2] 21:45

C1 The Great Marsh 
C2 Rhayader: Rhayader Goes To Town 
C3 Sanctuary
C4 Fritha: The Snow Goose 

C5 Friendship
C6 Migration
C7 Rhayader Alone 

The Snow Goose 21:58
D1 Flight Of The Snow Goose
D2 Preparation
D3 Dunkirk: Epitaph
D4 Fritha Alone
D5 La Princesse Perdue
D6 The Great Marsh 

Camel- Camel(1976)Snow Goose LP 2,16-44 WAV,16 bits








Camel-Reading Town Hall,Reading,UK December 18,(1975).

01 The White Rider
02 Supertwister
03 Introduction to the Snow Goose
04 The Great Marsh
05 Rhayader
06 Rhayader Goes to Town
07 Sanctuary
08 Fritha
09 The Snow Goose
10 Migration
11 Rhayader Alone
12 Flight of the Snow Goose
13 Preparation
14 Dunkirk
15 Epitaph
16 Fritha Alone
17 La Princesse Purdue
18 The Great Marsh (reprise)
19 Hommage to the God of Light
20 Lady Fantasy


Camel- Camel-Live at Reading(1975),16-44 WAV,16 bits

Camel The Snow Goose Medley Live at BBC The Old Grey Whistle Test 1975 Remastered HD


Camel popgrama/18-10-1977 TV-Video


I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.




The Velvet Underground

Superstar i Artista Pop Andy Warhol,promociona a The Velvet Underground entre als anys 1965-1970.Gracies als concerts,performances per la Exploding Plastic Inevitable,films,i prensa musical,..als Velvet seran uns idols per la generation Beat,a New York.

Brian Eno després de escoltar el primer disc “The Velvet Underground & Nico”,diu que aquest disc només al compra gent que més tard forma un grup de música.Per aquells temps,Eno,va tocar amb Roxy Music.

Un gran disc aquest de la “banana”,que es comparat amb el “Sgt. Pepper´s”.

John Cale toca el violin amb sons de guitarra distorsionats i avant-garde,Lou Reed a la guitarra i cantant,pro com eran 2 genis incompatibles deixan el grup aviat,Nico artista i gran icono,també deixa el grup després del primer disc.A més,Sterling Morrison que toca al baix,i Maureen Tucker les percussions.

El grup es separa després de gravar 4 LPS.

The Velvet Underground ‎– The Velvet Underground & Nico









A1 Sunday Morning                                                                     
A2 I’m Waiting For My Man       
A3 Femme Fatale
A4 Venus In Furs
A5 Run, Run, Run
A6 All Tomorrow’s Parties
B1 Heroin
B2 There She Goes Again
B3 I’ll Be Your Mirror
B4 Black Angel’s Death Song
B5 European Son


The Velvet Underground ‎– The Velvet Underground & Nico 16-44 WAV,16 bits

Recorded July 1965 at John Cale’s Ludlow Street loft in lower Manhattan.
1-1 Venus In Furs (Demo) 
1-2 Prominent Men (Demo)
1-3 Heroin (Demo) 
1-4 I’m Waiting For The Man (Demo) 
1-5 Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (Demo) 
1-6 All Tomorrow’s Parties (Demo)



The Velvet Underground ‎– Singles 1966-69


Single One
A All Tomorrow’s Parties
B I’ll Be Your Mirror

Single Two
C Sunday Morning
D Femme Fatale

Single Three
E White Light/White Heat
F Here She Comes Now

Single Four
G White Light/White Heat
H I Heard Her Call My Name (Alternate Mono Mix)

Single Five
I Temptation Inside Your Heart
J Stephanie Says

Single Six
K What Goes On
L Jesus

Single Seven
M VU Radio Spot
N VU Radio Spot


The Velvet Underground ‎– Singles 1966-69 16-44 WAV,16 bits




13 Most Beautiful:Songs for Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests
Extracte amb Temas de Jack Nitzsche,Monte Dunn and Karen Cruz,i Karen Dalton.





Americana Folk-rock experience

Jefferson Airplane ‎– After Bathing At Baxter’s(67)us.Orig. RCA Victor Mono



A1 The Ballad Of You & Me & Pooneil

A2 A Small Package Of Value Will Come To You Shortly

A3 Young Girl Sunday Blues

The War Is Over

A4 Martha

A5 Wild Tyme (H)

Hymn To An Older Generation

A6 The Last Wall Of The Castle

A7 Rejoyce

How Suite It Is

B1 Watch Her Ride

B2 Spare Chaynge

Shizoforest Love Suite

B3 Two Heads

B4 Won’t You Try 5:01

B5 Saturday Afternoon

El disc que va sortir a finals de 1967, “Surrealistic Pillow” ,es el començament del só sicodelic de Jefferson Airplane.Al comandament de la nau son Grace Slick i Paul Kantner,i com a copilots darrera son Martyn Balin,i la guitarra enérgica de Jorma Kaokonen.


Jefferson Airplane ‎– After Bathing At Baxter’s(67) 16-44 WAV,16 bits









Grateful Dead ‎– American Beauty(70)US.Orig.Warner Bros. WAV 16-44

A1 Box Of Rain
A2 Friend Of The Devil
A3 Sugar Magnolia
A4 Operator
A5 Candyman
B1 Ripple
B2 Brokedown Palace
B3 Till The Morning Comes
B4 Attics Of My Life
B5 Truckin

Bass, Guitar, Piano, Vocals – Phil Lesh
Drums – Bill Kreutzmann
Guitar, Pedal Steel Guitar [Pedal Steel], Piano, Vocals – Jerry Garcia
Guitar, Vocals – Bob Weir
Harmonica, Vocals – Pig Pen (Ron McKernan)
Other [Thanks To] – New Riders Of The Purple Sage
Percussion – Mickey Hart
Producer – The Grateful Dead
Songwriter – Robert Hunter

Grateful Dead a finals dels anys 60´s,eran els reis de las jam sessions sicodélicas.

Mes tard,als inicis dels 70s,eran més profesionals i amb las melodias de blues,folk,i country,com estils caracteristics desde el començament,van ser un dels grup fundamentals dins la historia del folk-rock Americá.


Grateful Dead ‎– American Beauty(70) 16-44 WAV,16 bits


Grateful Dead Capitol Theatre Port Chester, NY 06-24-70

Late Show–Electric Set

1. Introduction (Mountain Jam tuning)
2. Not Fade Away
3. Easy Wind
4. Bobby: broken string
5. Me and My Uncle
6. Jerry: “Mickey needs to setup his gong…”
7. Dark Star
8. Attics of my Life
9. Dark Star
10. Sugar Magnolia
11. Dark Star
12. St. Stephen
13. China Cat Sunflower
14. I Know You Rider
15. Uncle John’s Band

Es molt gratificant la idea de compartir la música,perque algú despres la escolti.

Imagino al aficionat gravant a primera fila aquest concert sicodelic,i sostenin un micro.

Increible que aquest audio a sobreviscut tot aquest temps,i que gracies al colega

podem gaudir de un autentic concert sicodelic al any 1970.


Grateful Dead Capitol Theatre Port Chester,NY(70) 16-44 WAV,16 bits










Ned Lagin, Phil Lesh ‎– Seastones (75)us.Orig.Round Records Quadrophonic WAV 16-44

A1 I
A7 V A
B1 V B

Cymbal  – Spencer Dryden
Electric Bass – Phil Lesh
Electric Guitar, Vocals – Jerry Garcia
Gong [Gongs] – Mickey Hart

Piano,Percussion, Computer [Interdata 7/16 Computer With High Speed Arithmetic Logic Unit, Programmable Bioelectronic I/o Microprocessor Intel 8080], Synthesizer [Emu Modular, Arp 2500, Arp Odyssey, Electro-comp, Buchla Modular], Keyboards, Clavichord, Organ – Ned Lagin

Twelve-String Guitar ,Vocals – David Crosby

Vocals – David Freiberg,Grace Slick

Ned Lagin,es un dels pioners en el desenvolupament de las performances en directe amb els primers ordenadors programats amb secuenciadors,i a més actuó amb concerts en directe dels Grateful Dead desde 1970 fins a 1975,tocan el clavicord,organ Hammond,i piano electric.

Els musics dels Airplane,Dead,i fins i tot al David Crosby,es van afegir a aquest experiment sonor i electrónic de vanguarda,molt avançat a la época.


Ned Lagin,Phil Lesh ‎– Seastones (75) 16-44 WAV,16 bits


I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.




A variety of Jazz styles

Carman Moore ‎– Four Movements For A Fashionable Five-Toed Dragon – Tone Roads To Hong Kong´76

Style: Contemporary, Avant-garde Jazz


A1 1st Movement – Pastorale

A2 2nd Movement – Urban Walk

B1 3rd Movement – Colours

B2 4th Movement – Folk Energy


Composed By – Carman Moore

Conductor – Isaiah Jackson 

Directed By [Music Director] – Kazuyoshi Akiyama

Drums, Percussion – Warren Smith

Electric Bass, Bass – Richard Davis 

Electric Guitar, Pipa – Elliott Randall

Orchestra – Members Of The American Symphony Orchestra

Piano, Harpsichord, Electric Piano, Synthesizer – Kenneth Bichel

Soprano Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Flute – Sam Rivers


In Celebration of the Bicentennial of the United States of America

Unipak style LP jacket with record opening on the inside of the cover near the spine.


Destaca la presencia del sax,instrumentista,Sam Rivers.

Un gran del Jazz,que va tocar junt a  Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis,Dizzy Gillespie y Cecil Taylor, pro també amb  B. B. King o Jimi Hendrix.




Carman Moore ‎– Four Movements For A Fashionable Five-Toed Dragon(76) 16-44 WAV,16 bits

Junt a Miles Davis,Sam Rivers,va registrar un  disc del concert que van oferir dins al Festival Mundial de Jazz al Japó,juliol de 1964.

Miles Davis- July 15, 1964 Maruyama Ongaku-do Hall, Kyoto










Miles Davis ‎– Sketches Of Spain(60),US.Re. Classic Records(98)

A1 Concierto De Aranjuez
A2 Will O’ The Wisp From “El Amor Brujo”
B1 The Pan Piper
B2 Saeta
B3 Solea

Lacquer Cut At – Bernie Grundman Mastering
Arranged By, Conductor – Gil Evans

Compare in quality with the MFSL version,it´s sounded crisp, clear and realistic..
Now also having a 200 gram edition I was fearing Classics usual trend of noisier vinyl than the 180 gram variants, but for once was pleasantly surprised with a near dead quiet playing surface. There are some ticks but given it being a used copy that is a main suspect for why.
And the thicker cover is a nice improvement over the flimsy 90s original.

Miles Davis ‎– Sketches Of Spain(60) US.Re. Classic Records(98) 16-44 WAV,16 bits



I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.




Sunshine Pop psych

Sunshine pop o Soft Pop,es un estil musical originari de California,que va sortir als anys 60´s.
La música es caracteritza per las veus melódicas,el folk-rock,i cálids arrangaments orquestrals.
Alguns dels grups més influenciats per aquest estil son,Curt Boetcher,Mamas & The Papas,Beach Boys,The Association….
A España,dins del estil de Sunshine Pop,van sortir grups com als  Pic-Nic,Los Yetis,Vainica Doble…









Free Design- Sing For Very Important People(70)US.Orig.Project 3 Total Sound wav 16-44

Style:Sunshine pop


A1 Don’t Cry, Baby 
A2 Can You Tell Me How To Get To Sesame Street? 
A3 Children’s Waltz 
A4 Scarlet Tree 
A5 Little Cowboy 
B1 Love You 
B2 Ronda Go ‘Round 
B3 Bubbles
B4 Daniel Dolphin 
B5 Kites Are Fun 
B6 Lullaby 

Chris Dedrick (who wrote most of the songs),sister Sandy Dedrick,and brother Bruce Dedrick were the original lineup.
Younger sister Ellen Dedrick joined the group later,and youngest sister Stephanie Dedrick,joined near the end of their initial career.


Free Design- Sing For Very Important People(70) 16-44 WAV,16 bits








The Millennium- Begin US.Re.(97)Begin Columbia 180g. Wav 16-44

Style:Psychedelic Rock,Sunshine pop


A1 Prelude 
A2 To Claudia On Thursday 
A3 I Just Want To Be Your Friend 
A4 5 A.M. 
A5 I’m With You 
A6 The Island 
A7 Sing To Me 
B1 It’s You 
B2 Some Sunny Day 
B3 It Won’t Always Be The Same 
B4 The Know It All 
B5 Karmic Dream Sequence #1 
B6 There Is Nothing More To Say 
B7 Anthem (Begin) 

Arranged by,The Millennium
Coordinator Gary Usher
Design Geller And Butler Advertising
Engineer Jerry Hochman
Management Bob Brown
Performer Curt*, Doug*, Joey*, Lee*, Mike*, Ron*, Sandy*
Producer Curt Boettcher,Keith Olsen


The Millennium- Begin US.Re.(97) 16-44 WAV,16 bits









Sage And Seer- Sage And Seer(69)CAT.Re.(2021)Wah Wah records Wav 16-44


A1 Pictures Through A Sunday Afternoon
A2 She Died Again
A3 Candle
A4 I’ve Cried
A5 Time Has Come Between Us
A6 Be Still When You Cry
B1 Clarissa
B2 I Want You To Know
B3 All Those Yesterdays
B4 No
B5 Blue, Blue And Blue
B6 Farewell, St. John


Bass Jack Olesen
Conductor Ben Kaufman
Engineer Joe Jackson
Producer Al Davis
Written-By,David Rea,Don Beckmann


Recomenada reedició en vinil del segell musical Catalá Wah Wah records.

Similar en estil al Soft Pop de grups Americans,com als Free Design o Harper´s Bizarre.

Bones composicions de guitarra i veus,amb grans arranjaments orquestrals.


Sage And Seer- Sage And Seer(69) 16-44 WAV,16 bits

I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source

the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.

I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.

If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.





The Church,nova sicodelia

The Church,grup de New Wave Australiá,amb,Peter Koppes(gtr,Key),Marty Wilson-Piper(gtr.,veu),Steve Kilbey(Veu,baix,Key,)Richard Ploog(Bat.).”Of skins and hearts”,va ser al primer LP,surt al 1981.

Als següents discos, ”The blurred crusade”,”Seance”,”Remote Luxury”.son la etapa més creativa,de estil Paisley sound,grans guitarras sicodélicas,i melodias pop,amb reminiscencias folk rock dels Byrds.



The Church – The Blurred Crusade(82)UK.Carrere Gatefold Wav 16-44

Gran álbum,recomenat escoltar de principi a fin,amb bons riffs de guitarras per Wilson-Piper i Kilbey.


A1 Almost With You          

A2 When You Were Mine

A3 Field Of Mars

A4 An Interlude

A5 Secret Corners

B1 Just For You

B2 A Fire Burns

B3 To Be In Your Eyes

B4 You Took

B5 Don’t Look Back


The Church – The Blurred Crusade(82) 16-44 WAV,16 bits


The Church – Seance(83)New Zeland Parlophone Wav 16-44


A1 Fly

A2 One Day

A3 Electric

A4 It’s No Reason

A5 Travel By Thought

B1 Disappear?

B2 Electric Lash

B3 Now I Wonder Why

B4 Dropping Names

B5 It Doesn’t Change

A destacar als temas,amb la guitarra melódica a “Electric and it doesn´t change”,i al space rock a “Travel by thought”.


The Church – Seance(83) 16-44 WAV,16 bits


The Church – A Quick Smoke At Spot’s (Archives 1986-1990) Australia Mushroom Wav 16-44

Un recopilatori de caras B,son una serie de cançons que van ser descartadas quan editaron als álbums.


A1 Texas Moon

A2 Perfect Child

A3 Much Too Much

A4 Take It Back

A5 Desert

A6 We Both Know Why You’re Here

A7 Frozen And Distant

A8 Forgotten Reign

B1 Anna Miranda

B2 Hunter

B3 Dream

B4 Ride Into The Sunset

B5 You Got Off Light

B6 Nose Dive

B7 The Feast

B8 Afterlife

The Church – A Quick Smoke At Spot’s (Archives 1986-1990)16-44 WAV,16 bits

The Church -Goldfish (Jokes,Magic & Souvenirs)(90)VHS,PAL

1 Introduction: Metropolis
2 The Unguarded Moment
3 Bel-Air
4 Too Fast For You
5 Tear It All Away
6 Almost With You
7 A Different Man
8 Electric Lash
9 It’s No Reason
10 Fly
11 Constant In Opal
12 Tantalized
13 Columbus
14 Under The Milky Way
15 Reptile
16 Metropolis
17 You’re Still Beautiful
18 Ending: Metropolis

Bass   – Steve Kilbey
Drums -Jay Dee Daugherty (tracks: 15, 16),Richard Ploog (tracks: 1 to 14)
Guitar – Marty Willson-Piper,Peter Koppes
Vocals -Marty Willson-Piper,Peter Koppes,Steve Kilbey


