Their foremost album is ”Music for 18 musician” ,played with all these instruments:Violin,cello,2 clarinets,4 women´s voice,
4 pianos,3 marimbas,2 xylophone and metallphone.
There is a regular rhythmic pulse on the pianos that continues throught the piece.
The structucture of “Music for 18 musicians”,is based on a cycle of eleven chords played at the beginning of the piece,and repeated at the end.
One of the basic techniques of this piece is to changing harmonic rhythm,but is a minimum variation,in the melody than will be hear.
Steve Reich-“Music for 18 musician”(78)US.Orig. ECM
Digital vinyl transfer in WAV 16 bits
Minimalist American composer,was inspired in Oriental and African music.
Reich studied percussion based in classical school,learn tambor in Ghana University,and music of Bali,too.
Talking about the experience of recording one of earlies works,Piano Phase”(1967)
“The process is playing the same piece on two pianos,but one with slight delay in relation to the other”.
About,”New York Counterpoint” piece of this live concert,is a 1985 minimalist composition and intented to capture the throbbing vibrancy of Manhattan,mixed electronic sounds with acoustic instrumentation.
Steve Reich – Drumming /Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ/Six Pianos (74)GER.Orig. Deutsche Grammophon 3LP
A Part I
B Part II
C Part III
D Part IV
Six Pianos
E Six Pianos
Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ
F Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ
Recorded in Hamburg (Rahlstedt), Musikstudio 1, January 1974.
Steve Reich – Drumming /Music For Mallet Instruments,Voices And Organ/Six Pianos (74)3LPS,16-44 WAV,16 bits
Steve Reich – Kronos Quartet / Pat Metheny – Different Trains / Electric Counterpoint(89)CAN.Orig. Elektra Nonesuch LP
Different Trains
A1 Kronos Quartet- America – Before The War
A2 Kronos Quartet- Europe – During The War
A3 Kronos Quartet- After The War
Electric Counterpoint
B1 Pat Metheny- Fast
B2 Pat Metheny- Slow
B3 Pat Metheny- Fast
“Different Trains” composed 1988, recorded digitally August 31 – September 9, 1988 at Russian Hill Recording, San Francisco.
“Electric Counterpoint” composed 1987, recorded digitally September 26 – October 1, 1987 at Power Station, New York City.
Steve Reich – Kronos Quartet / Pat Metheny – Different Trains / Electric Counterpoint(89)LP, Wav 16-44
Steve Reich- IV Festival de Otoño,Casa Cultura Majadahonda (1987)
Concert en directe de Steve Reich,(pianista i percussionista) representant de la música minimalista,a la Sala Olimpia de Madrid,dins del IV Festival de Tardor de la comunitat.
Reich,diu que la seva obra cerca la música oriental i l’africana.
Una de les peces es “Clapping music”,inspirada en “una nit de gresca andalusa a Bélgica”.”El palmeig del flamenc em va deixar tan sorprés que,malgrat haver begut força,va ser la idea per fer aquesta obra”.
El músic,comença estudian primé els clássics i després composició i percussió a New York,després va estudiar tambor a la universitat de Ghana,i també es va interessar per la música de Bali.
El ”procés de desfasament gradual”,no és res més que tocar amb dos pianos la mateixa peça,pro un amb un lleuger retard en relació amb l’altre”.
En les seves obres,col-loca la percussió al centre,ja que marca el tempo,i la corda als costats.
Steve Reich- IV festival de tardor 1987 TV-Video
Steve Reich-Live at Teatre L´Aliança,18-11-89
Live concert,cassette recorded “On air” in WAV 16 bits
01.“Drumming(Part One)”
02.“Electric counterpoint”(David Tanenbaum)
04.“Different trains”