Cantautor de Folk Americá,Townes Van Zandt neix a Texas(1944).
A mitjants dels 60´s,durant les sevas primeras giras es troba a la legenda del blues Lightnin´Hopkins, que va influenciar la manera de tocar la guitarra de Van Zandt.
Tristement,una legenda i altre pop star que va morir trágicament per exces de drogas
Townes Van Zandt- “Our mother the mountain” Fat Possum records LP (2019) Reedició LP
Plé de baladas poéticas i lletras l´ estil Dylan,aquest segon album,es un dels seus millors
de la seva carrera.
Gran vocal,i una guitarra de blues on destacan temas com,“My Proud Mountains”,o
A1 Be Here To Love Me
A2 KathleenA3 She Came And She Touched Me
A4 Like A Summer Thursday
A5 Our Mother The Mountain
A6 Second Lovers Song
B1 St. John The Gambler
B2 Tecumseh Valley
B3 Snake Mountain Blues
B4 My Proud Mountains
B5 Why She’s Acting This Way
Townes Van Zandt- “Our mother the mountain”(69) 16-44 WAV,16 bits
“Townes Van Zandt”,tercer album editat original en al segell Poppy records en 1969,
reinterpreta tres temas del seu primer álbum,“For The Sake Of The Song” “Waiting Around To Die,” i “I’ll Be Here In The Morning.”,amb nous arrengaments acustics i incorporan nous instruments com la flauta.
Townes Van Zandt-S/T Fat Possum records LP (2019) Reedicio LP
A1 For The Sake Of The Song
A2 Columbine
A3 Waiting Around To Die
A4 Don’t Take It Too Bad
A5 Colorado Girl
B1 Lungs
B2 I’ll Be Here In The Morning
B3 Fare Thee Well, Miss Carousel
B4 (Quicksilver Daydreams Of) Maria
B5 None But The Rain
Townes Van Zandt-S/T(69) 16-44 WAV,16 bits
Documental musical en dvd,Townes Van Zandt – “Be Here To Love Me”
Documental musical en dvd,Heartworn Highways – Main Feature 1
Documental musical en dvd,Heartworn Highways-More performances 2
I can do recordings to be transfered in digital source
the most rare original pressings,are hard-to-find albums than often sound far superior to any reissues.Instead to pay an audio engineer,new labels use a quick mastering process than loose dynamics and destructive audio,to save money.
I have submitted masters to record labels and released digitizations with quite good dynamics.
If you have a piece of vintage audio that you would like digitized,please contact me.